Friday 25 September 2009

Away We Go....

I’m going to be honest here, when I saw the advertisements for ‘Away We Go’ my heart didn’t leap out of my chest in a furious fit of passion, the scrapbook-like font and squiggled handwriting worthy of a seven year old slightly diminished my reasons for seeing this new film. I liked Juno, partly because of her infatuation with Sunny Delight and her extensive vocabulary of quotes like ‘For shiz up the spout’ and ‘Friggin sweet,’ (in my opinion we could all integrate a bit of ‘Juno’ into our day to day conversations, life would be just that extra bit sweeter) But as regards to indie films in general I shan’t profess myself to be a die-hard fan.

Alas I was cleverly manipulated by a close friend (whose name I shall contain a secret) who enticed me with the thought of lunch in the park and a film. It ended up incidentally as us eating Maccy-D’s on a park bench, but hey, I can’t complain.
The film was unexpectedly good; it’s one of those movies that leave you with a pleasant feeling of warmth and nostalgia, riddled with bursts of melodic music and witty jokes the characters ‘Verona’ and ‘Burt’ take you on a journey of parenthood, encountering all the extremes along the way, from the crazy hippie mom who fears the use of strollers will ‘push her children away’ emotionally, to the gentle yet naïve father who’s afraid that raising his daughter alone will leave her without the glam Hannah Montana backpack or Abercrombie wardrobe needed to be carefully selected with the helping hand of a mom.

It’s not exactly a fast-paced thriller with a gorgeous Hollywood assassin and hurling chunks of seared metal, your boyfriend will most likely fall asleep, but directed by Sam Mendes (the dude married to Kate Winslet who won all the awards for ‘Revolutionary Road’) ‘Away We Go’ will without a doubt put you in a good mood.
See it as an afternoon-evening event with someone close in a comfortable cinema (I quite like Notting Hill Gate) and it’ll satisfy.

1 comment:

  1. I really want to see this now!!!! Thanks Mystery Blogger!
